How to take Doxycycline for Acne - reviews about treatment
The causes of acne are often failures in the work of various organs, decreased immunity, the presence of skin infections and demodicosis.To cope with such problems will help antibacterial drug from a number of tetracycline. Doxycycline for acne is the best option for combating acne and skin infections.
Doxycycline for acne - the principle of action
The active drug of the drug is doxycycline hydrochloride.
This broad-spectrum antibiotic destroys various microorganisms and effectively suppresses their vital functions.
After ingestion, the drug is almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, penetrates deep into the cells of pathogenic bacteria and blocks the synthesis of proteins.
This drug has an effect on anaerobic and aerobic organisms. The drug kills streptococci, E. coli, malarial plasmodium, causative agents of cholera, Staphylococcus causative agents, clostridia, salmonella and other bacteria. The drug has no effect on viruses and fungi. The drug in a short time solves the problem of acne and skin rash.
Its main therapeutic effect is based on the inhibition of protein synthesis in pathogenic bacteria.Treatment with the drug should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor.At the reception the doctor determines the causes of acne and takes all the necessary scrapings for tests.
Laboratory tests will help to pinpoint the causative agent of infection.Only after identifying the type of bacteria the doctor prescribes the drug Doxycycline. The required dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor.
Doxycycline for acne video
Instructions for use
Doxycycline is available in capsules and tablets for oral administration. Each capsule contains 100 mg of active drug substance.
Also, there is an injection powder that is diluted and applied in the form of intravenous and intramuscular injections and droppers.
The form of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician after examination and ascertaining the cause of acne. The drug is widely used to treat various infectious diseases that are caused by drug-sensitive pathogens.
How to take Doxycycline for acne?
Usually, adults are prescribed to take the drug twice a day.
The scheme of reception:
- Children over 14 years and adults: on the first day - 200 mg of the drug, then 100 mg. In cases of excessive rashes, a doctor may prescribe an increased dose of the drug - 200 mg in the morning and in the evening.
- Children's age of 9-14 years: on the first day of 4 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight (twice a day), then on subsequent days 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight (twice a day).
It is necessary to take into account - how to take Doxycycline from acne, only the attending physician can prescribe a dose.With the appointment of treatment takes into account the characteristics and nature of the disease, the individual characteristics of the organism.
The course of treatment lasts 7 days - 6 weeks, depending on the diagnosis.
Indications for use
The drug has high bacteriostatic properties. It effectively inhibits the development and reproduction of bacteria, including cocci and gonococci.
That is why an effective antibiotic can quickly eliminate pimples in various areas of the body and face.
The drug also improves the appearance of the skin, copes well with acne and the causes that caused it. Reviews of Doxycycline for acne show that the drug effectively allows you to cope with acne, skin infections of various etiologies. It has been clinically proven that Doxycycline is better used in the complex treatment of the disease at the same time as other prescribed medicines. After treatment with the drug, no exacerbations are observed.
The main indications for use:
- subcutaneous tick (demodex);
- infection of the skin;
- rashes on the skin;
- acne;
- redness of the skin;
- Leptospirosis;
- Sexual infection;
- Gastrointestinal infections;
- venereal diseases;
- eye infections;
- osteomyelitis;
- Diseases of the respiratory system.
Doxycycline is also prescribed after an abortion, for the prevention of malaria, to prevent complications after surgery.
There are contraindications to the use of the drug in the treatment of illness and acne.
The agent is not prescribed for a high degree of hemoglobin in the body of a sick person, with lactose intolerance, with a low level of leukocytes in the blood, in the presence of red lupus.
Also, Doxycycline is contraindicated during childbearing and breastfeeding.
The drug is not prescribed for the development of an allergic reaction and with individual intolerance. Take this medicine with caution in liver failure. Doxycycline is also not used in the treatment of children under 9 years of age.
Side effects
When treating Doxycycline, there may be side effects for the body:
- headache;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- lowering of leukocytes in the blood;
- Shortness of breath;
- Quincke's edema;
- stomach ache;
- tissue necrosis;
- a dysbacteriosis;
- Allergies.
In case of occurrence of the listed reactions of the body for treatment with the drug, it is necessary to urgently cancel Doxycycline and consult with the attending physician.
Doxycycline: special instructions
Reviews for Doxycycline for acne from those patients who used this medication, indicate that, in general, the drug is well tolerated.
It is important to take the medicine only on the prescribed treatment schedule and not to allow an overdose.
It is recommended to take a medicine tablet or capsule with plenty of drinking water or milk. Also, whenever possible, try to avoid getting direct sunlight on the skin.
Doctors recommend not to change the prescribed dosage independently, take sour-milk products during treatment with this antibiotic and additionally use antihistamines. These measures will avoid the development of intestinal dysbiosis when taking an antibiotic and prevent the development of an allergy to Doxycycline.
The drug can not be combined with the use of drugs that have an unstable alkaline environment. Contraindicated drug treatment with the use of other drugs tetracycline group.
After discontinuation of treatment with Doxycycline, there may be relapses of acne and the recurrence of acne. Therefore, after improving the well-being and disappearing of acne, strict control over the skin condition is necessary.
The drug is very effective in combating demodex (subcutaneous tick). However, for the treatment of this disease it is required to use Doxycycline in complex treatment. The doctor appoints other medications together with the drug Doxycycline. Treatment of blackheads and acne should be prescribed and performed only by a dermatologist.
The drug has its contraindications and its misuse without a doctor can lead to disastrous consequences and deterioration of the body and skin. Typically, the appointment of Doxycycline is due to a neglected form of the disease and severe skin rashes.
Antibiotic Doxycycline and Acne
Very often for the treatment of acne and acne antibacterial drugs are prescribed - broad-based antibiotics. Such medication is necessary for the effective control of pathogenic bacteria that cause the appearance of acne, rashes and acne.
The doctor can prescribe antibiotics in the form of ointments, creams, medicinal gel.Today such means for external application are widespread.
Doxycycline - one of the antibiotics, which is prescribed in capsules or tablets for oral administration in the presence of acne.
This drug refers to those medicines that are used for internal use. To such antibiotics include Tetracycline, Zinerit in capsules, Benzamycin, Klinesfar. These drugs are very effective in controlling acne and have a similar chemical composition.
During the treatment of the skin with antibiotics it is forbidden to use cosmetics.
Also in the treatment it is necessary to adhere to the correct diet and keep to a diet.
It will help to avoid increased separation of sweat and significantly improve the skin condition.
Acne and pimples are a rather unpleasant problem, which affects so many people today. Lesions and rashes on the skin cause psychological and physical discomfort in a person. In the absence of treatment, the situation may worsen significantly. Therefore, a visit to the dermatologist with a strong acne is mandatory. Usually, for the treatment of acne, a broad-spectrum antibiotic Dixocycline or its analog is prescribed by a doctor.
Along with the use of an antibiotic in the treatment of acne and acne, external medication is also used. The doctor appoints special ointments and cream for topical application on the skin.
Such a complex treatment of rashes allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate the cause of skin inflammation and cope with the disease and infection.